
The random musings and myriad inspirations of a bespectacled, red metal wearing, travel-loving, chocophilic stylist in the People’s Republic of Brooklyn.

Check my website, sharonpendana.com to see what it is I do when I’m not blogging.

16 Responses

  1. Greetings Sharon,

    This is FABULOUS!! I love the design and your musing.
    Keep it up. With all the garbage on the net..

    All The Best with pendulum.
    From a big fan…

  2. Sharon.
    I love your site! Crisp, clean, and inviting.
    Much love to you..

    Annette Freeman

  3. I love the site. Not being a New Yorker I find it most enjoyable to read about the sites and sounds of the city.
    Nice job cuz!!!!!!! I look forward to reading more……:)

  4. Fabulous! Keep on musing, I’ll surely be back.

  5. Hi, Sharon! I am SO loving your blog. What a vivid kaleidoscope you present to the world – Urban Girl hangin’ sweet. Life through your eyes is…well…fabulous! Thank you so much for sharing and giving yet another sign of intelligent life existing out there….

  6. Sharon!! Don’t even ask me how i found your blog. I was trying to figure out if it was too late to see thurgood! LOVE your website and blog. I’m just getting into the blog groove. Set one up in the spring but was in the midst of a bad work gig. I am now free. Still married (not!) in NYC. Doing my own consulting thing. Nothing glamorous. Just helping folks go to college and diversity trainings for people who don’t upset me. That list is pretty short these days! Would love to hang out when you’re in town…l,c

  7. Hi Sharon,

    Awesome blog, and your web site looks splendid! It would be great to catch up at some point. Julie and I talk about you from time to time. Be well, sis.


  8. Beautiful, engaging and smart blog, Sharon. I found you by chance and very thrilled about it. Going to read more now;-)

  9. I’m just loving the blog Sharon. I’ve been pondering doing one myself. I think that you have tipped me over the edge–what an inspiration:)

  10. Greetings Sharon! The site is fabulous! I would like to thank you immensely for the wonderful article you posted about Renaissance Fine Art (“RFA”). I’m the director of the gallery, and after reading your review and seeing the crowd and space,my emotional response was accompanied by tears. As one of the first to capture the creativeness that RFA will bring to Harlem and the art world, your kind and well written words will always be remembered. I would also like to mention that I’m very appreciative of Curtiss Jacobs for inviting me to be part of the RFA family.

    Warm regards,

  11. Love your blog. Especially the pieces about Alison and peacocks.
    I’m looking forward to meeting you tomorrow to celebrate her hootieness’s bday.

  12. happy new year sharon ,

    Engaging , Thought provoking ,Witty and More… You have so many talents , glad we hooked up again , look forward to more posts in 2010 !

  13. Dear Sharon,
    How happy am I to have happened upon your blog because I googled Harriet Cole whom I have a girly crush on lol. I live in Johannesburg, South Africa, and try to follow and keep up with Harriet ( not much success in that dept though) anyway be that as it may what a lovely site, my kinda read and the same as the music out there today good reading is hard to find, your writting is witty, charming and insightfull and you cut to the chase yet you still leave me feeling like I had a conversation with the person your writting about. Awesome stuff keep it coming please.

  14. Really great blog with inspiring stories. You recently profiled my neighbors/friends Ralph and Eisa. Really great piece, as are so many of them. I also went to high school with Aisha Cousins, and thought the piece you did on her was fantastic. Appreciate your work, and I am glad to have been introduced to your work.


    Angelika Beener | Freelance Journalist
    Alternate Takes: broadening the jazz perspective

  15. Hey Sharon…………….why are you not blogging here anymore ? I miss all your great interviews. Come back.

    • Thanks so much Candice! Hope all is well in Jo’burg. Will be rolling out “the Trove” very soon and will definitely let you know when.

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